I am a Tile Installer and would like to become ACT Certified. (Or, I am a contractor and would like to send my key men to become certified). How do I register?

To be considered for ACT certification, an installer must be pre-qualified and endorsed or sponsored by his/her employer. 

IMI maintains testing schedules and a list of testing sites for BAC installers. Visit ACT testing (IMI) or contact Teri Indelli (IMI) at
630-396-3144, or by email 
at tindelli@imiweb.org

For all other installers, testing schedules and a list of testing sites can be obtained from the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation.  Visit
ACT testing (CTEF) or call 

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Tile installers who are pre-qualified may take the ACT test in Membranes. Installers pre-qualify for this test in one of two ways:

  • A tile installer who has successfully completed the Certified Tile Installer (CTI) test administered by the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation; or

  • A tile installer who has achieved the rank of journeyman tile setter through successful completion of the apprenticeship training program conducted by the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers.

The intent of the Membrane certification is to determine if the pre-qualified tile installer possesses the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully install these products in accordance with ANSI Specifications and based on the recommendations in the TCNA Handbook and industry accepted best practices.

Understanding that waterproofing and crack isolation membranes have become almost solely the responsibility of the ceramic tile installer, the following proficiencies must be demonstrated to achieve ACT certification in Membranes:

  • Knowledge of the specifications and installation of the two general types of membranes:  Liquid Applied and Sheet Membranes;
  • Proper installation to floor substrates and slopes;
  • Proper attachment of membranes to drains;
  • Proper installation of both membranes at change in plane, i.e., floor to wall, inside corners, and outside corners; and
  • Proper fitting of membranes at penetrations, e.g., pipes.

Those who successfully complete this hands-on and written test gain the distinction of becoming an ACT certified Membrane specialist and the ability to provide the customer written verification of the competencies.

The Study Guide for Membranes Certification reflects the scope of knowledge and skills required for successful completion of these tests.